We are connected to the phases of the moon. To align with the energy of each of the phases just makes life easier. Here are the main phases of the moon, and what type of energy is surrounding it. Also, are some ideas of things to do during each...
Setting Intentions
Intentions are wishes……once you set an intention, you are telling the universe “This is what I want to manifest” Desire + will = intention Let the universe figure out the details – connect with the essence of your intention, not the way it will manifest. Another tip: pull...
I Love Tarot! Empowering you to co-create the life you want
I love using Tarot and Oracle cards as an instrument to connect with my higher self, empowering you to co-create the life you want, more aligned with what is best for me and my soul’s purpose. They also can show road blocks that are coming up and if I...