Online Tarot Reading Training Course

Here’s what you can learn in my Online Tarot Reading Training course:

* Learn how to interpret every Tarot card without memorizing the books

Develop a personal relationship with Tarot each card, which will then help you interpret their meanings

* Get to know the Court Cards – in your own unique way

* Learn how to interpret reversed Tarot cards, which can add a whole new layer to your readings

* Explore and work with several different Tarot card layouts

* Learn how to use the cards as a tool, to connect with your higher self, along with Spirit, to unlock your Inner Magic and co-create the life you want!

* Connect with your intuitive ability to interpret the cards

*One on one training, which helps you stay focused as you move through the course

6 week course, via Skype or Telephone $197.00  (payment plan can be arranged, if necessary)

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Radiant Rider Waite deck is recommended                                                                          Learn to interpret the cards using your intuition

About Sharon